1600+ Leagues and Cups
200+ Bookmakers
140+ Countries
15 Years Historical Data
15 Days Free Trial
Live Data
League & Team & Player
Match Stats
Live Odds
300+ Leagues and Cups
80+ Bookmakers
50+ Countries
15 Years Historical Data
15 Days Free Trial
Live Data
League & Team & Player
Match Stats
Live Odds
Developers First
Get up and running with iSports API in just a couple of minutes.
Mature Cloud Data Service, Serving 100+ Customers
16-Year Experience
iSports API has 16-year experience
in sports data industries.
Tier-1 Provider
iSports API is tier-1 sports data
providers in Asia.
100+ Engineers
iSports has 100+ software engineers and a maintenance team to support our services.
Our Customers
Listed Companies
in USA,Hong Kong
HKEX : 00082HK
Companies invested by IDG,Sequoia Capital
All Football
VIPC Lottery
Large Sports Media
A8 Sports
Titan Newspaper
SODA Football
Our Customers
iSports provides great API support which helps us a lot. I would undoubtedly recommend it to those who are eager to find a high quality data services and trusted businiess partner.
Aron Smith, Chief Technology Officer
We have been working with iSports for a while and their data is always fast and reliable. Thank you for providing us with such high quality data and we are really satisfied with your services.
Mishal Mehta, Engineering Manager
We are start-up company, so we must find a data supplier that can provide us data services with affordable price. iSports is definitly the partner we are looking for. They save our money and serve us great services. It really helps me a lot.
Johan Stark, Director of Mobile App Delivery
Comparison with Other Data Providers
iSports API
140+ Countries
1600+ Leagues & Cups
200+ Bookmakers
Comprehensive Data
Historical League Data
Comprehensive Match/Player Stats
Champion, Corner… Odds
Historical Odds
Flexible Price
Start from $199/month
50% off when billing annually
Customize your plan easily
Online Support
7/24 data maintainance
Online ticket support system
Fast response to API needs
Most Providers
100+ Countries
400+ Leagues & Cups
20+ Bookmakers
Data Completeness
Lack of historical data
Lack of comprehensive live data
Various Price
$29 - $800/month
Hard to differentiate quality and price
Online Support
Depends on provider
Top Provider
110+ Countries
1000+ Leagues & Cups
100+ Bookmakers
Data Completeness
Historical League Data
Comprehensive Match/Player Stats
Champion, Corner… Odds
Historical Odds
Expensive Price
Start from $600/month for entry
level package
Online Support
7/24 data maintainance
Online ticket support system
Fast Response
To Your Needs
Reach Our Support Team24/7 data maintenance
all the year
Flexible pricing by
customer needs
Online support system to
resolve your questions
Improve and deliver API
as you request
How many leagues & cups do you cover?
Our data covers 1600+ football leagues & cups, and 300+ basketball leagues & cups.
How can I start free trial?
Register and then log in. Enter the free trial page by clicking button Start Free Trial. Submit the sport you want to try, then the free trial begins.
Which payment methods do you support?
Credit Card(Visa, Mastercard,American Express)
Bank transfers
Tether (USDT)
How can I get tenichcal support?
Please log in and create a ticket, our engineer will reply you in one business working day.
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