List Leagues
Update Time: 2021-08-05 17:28
List leagues,including upcoming, running, past, delayed and deleted leagues
- Path: /esport/lol/league/list
- Method: GET
- Calls: Unlimited calls for paid plans, 200 calls per day for free trial.
- Recommend Calls: 1 day/call
- Parameters:
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
offset | int | true | Options to select results from where you want it to startExampleoffset=2 means you can get the results from the 2nd data |
limit | int | true | The size of per page (1000 |
date | string | false | Options to search by dateExample2020-01-01 |
Parameter | Value | Description |
league_id | long | |
name | string | Full name |
start_time | long | Value in milliseconds |
end_time | long | Value in milliseconds |
logo | string | |
team_ids | long[] | |
status | int | 0Upcoming 1Ongoing 2Finished 3Delayed 4Deleted |
Example Request
Example Response