Correct Score (In-play)

Update Time: 2022-09-01 16:31


This API endpoint returns the in-play odds for the correct score.

Related Plans

You can use this api by subscribing plans:  Odds Pro.


  • Path: /sport/football/odds/score/inplay
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 10 second/call;
  • Recommend Calls: 15 second/call
  • Parameters:
matchIdstringfalseGet the data for the specified match.
When multiple matches are acquired at the same time, use "," to separate the matchId. e.g. matchId=322964610,322964611.
companyIdstringfalseGet the data for the specified company.
When multiple companies are acquired at the same time, use "," to separate the companyId. e.g. companyId=3,8.


matchId string
companyId string3: Crown
odds object
bettingOddsItems list
homeScore string
awayScore string
odds string
otherScoresOdds string
close booleanIs this bet closed?
changeTime intUnix timestamp

Example Request

Example Response

    This API endpoint returns the in-play odds for the correct score.

    Correct Score (In-play)iSportsAPI
