Get A League

Update Time: 2021-08-10 09:15


Get a single league by league_id, more detailed data of the league is provided


  • Path: /esport/csgo/league/basic_info
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: Unlimited calls for paid plans, 200 calls per day for free trial.
  • Recommend Calls: 1 day/call
  • Parameters:
league_id stringtrueUse comma to separate each id if you search more than one leaguethe number of searched id should be fewer than 50 at one time


league_id long
logo string
name string
country string Host country
location stringPlaying field
prize_pool string
prizes list Prize winner
team_id long
rank string
prize_money string
prize_title string
start_time longValue in milliseconds
end_time longValue in milliseconds
team_ids long[]
group_stage string
map_pool string[]
status int0Upcoming 1Ongoing 2Finished 3Delayed 4Deleted
team_list list
team_id long
name string
logo string
country string
world_rank int
week_in_top30 int
player_ids long[]

Example Request

Example Response

    Get a single league by league_id, more detailed data of the league is provided

    Get A LeagueiSportsAPI
