Match Modify Record

Update Time: 2022-08-15 15:11


This API endpoint returns the schedule deletion and match time modification record in the past 12 hours. You can use it with the Schedule & Results (Basic) endpoint.

Tips: You have access to all the football Common API endpoints with any valid paid football plans.

Related Plans

You can use this api by subscribing plans:  Stats,  Live Data,  Odds,  Odds Pro.


  • Path: /sport/football/schedule/modify
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 60 second/call;
  • Recommend Calls: 90 second/call


matchId string
type stringmodify or delete
matchTime intMatch time after modification.
Empty if the schedule is deleted.
Match scheduled time, unix timestamp
modifyTime intWhen the match is modified, unix timestamp

Example Request

Example Response

    This API endpoint returns the schedule deletion and match time modification record in the past 12 hours. You can use it with the Schedule & Results (Basic) endpoint.\n\n Tips: You have access to all the football Common API endpoints with any valid paid football plans.

    Match Modify RecordiSportsAPI
