European Odds (200+ Bookmakers)

Update Time: 2022-08-04 17:13


• This API endpoint returns European odds of more than 200 companies.

• Default returns the match data within one day.

• Tips: You have access to this API and all APIs in Odds (18 bookmakers) when subscribing the Odds Pro. But notice that company IDs in this API are different from other odds APIs.

• Win rate: return rate calculation method:
- Home win rate = 1/(1 + home win odds/draw win odds+ home win odds /away win odds)*100%
- Draw win rate = 1/(1+draw win odds/home win odds+draw win odds/away win odds)*100%
- Away win rate=1/(1+away win odds/home win odds+away win odds/draw win odds)*100%
- Return rate=home win rate*home win odds

• Kelly index calculation method:
- Calculate the average odds of the game first, then calculate the average winning percentage
- Home=home win odds*average home win rate
- Draw=draw win odds*average draw win rate
- Away=away win odds*average away win rate

Related Plans

You can use this api by subscribing plans:  Odds Pro.


  • Path: /sport/football/odds/european/all
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 60 second/call;
  • Recommend Calls: 90 second/call
  • Parameters:
daystringfalseReturns the odds of the specified days. Such as day=1, day is 1-3,Use [date] more often.
datestringfalseyyyy-mm-dd, such as date=2019-08-01
minstringfalseReturns the odds of the specified minutes.
min=5, get change data for the past 5 minutes (recommended)
matchIdstringfalseGet the data for the specified match.
When multiple matches are acquired at the same time, use "," to separate the matchId. e.g. matchId=322964610,322964611.
Get a maximum of 100 at a time.
companyIdstringfalseGet the data for the specified company.
When multiple companies are acquired at the same time, use "," to separate the companyId. e.g. companyId=3,8.


  • The prefix "initial" means the first one that won't be changed, and the prefix "instant" means the live one that will be changed. As for historical odds, the prefix "instant" returns the last one before the match.
matchId string
matchTime intMatch scheduled time, unix timestamp
leagueName string
homeName string
awayName string
odds list
oddsId string
changeTime intChange time, unix timestamp
oddsDetail string array Each string contains all parameters below, separated by comma.
companyId int
companyName string
initialHome string
initialDraw string
initialAway string
instantHome string
instantDraw string
instantAway string

Example Request

Example Response

    • This API endpoint returns European odds of more than 200 companies. \n\n • Default returns the match data within one day.\n\n • Tips: You have access to this API and all APIs in Odds (18 bookmakers) when subscribing the Odds Pro. But notice that company IDs in this API are different from other odds APIs.\n\n • Win rate: return rate calculation method:\n - Home win rate = 1/(1 + home win odds/draw win odds+ home win odds /away win odds)*100% \n - Draw win rate = 1/(1+draw win odds/home win odds+draw win odds/away win odds)*100% \n - Away win rate=1/(1+away win odds/home win odds+away win odds/draw win odds)*100% \n - Return rate=home win rate*home win odds\n\n • Kelly index calculation method:\n - Calculate the average odds of the game first, then calculate the average winning percentage\n - Home=home win odds*average home win rate\n - Draw=draw win odds*average draw win rate\n - Away=away win odds*average away win rate

    European Odds (200+ Bookmakers)iSportsAPI
