Player Profile

Update Time: 2022-05-30 10:02


• This API endpoint returns player information.

• At least one of the "teamId" "day"and "playerId" parameters must be filled in, and the three parameters can not be used at the same time.

• It is recommended to save all player data locally for the first time, and then update it regularly.

• The same player may be associated with 2 teams at the same time, including the national team and the club team. The uniqueness can be judged by "id".

Related Plans

You can use this api by subscribing plans:  Live Data.


  • Path: /sport/football/player
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 60 second/call;
  • Recommend Calls: 1 day/call
  • Parameters: Must add one of the two parameters teamId and playerId.
teamIdstringfalseGet player data for a specified team. teamId can`t be more than 50.
playerIdstringfalseGet specified player data.
daystringfalseGet player data that has been modified within a specified number of days.


recordId string
playerId string
name string
birthday stringe.g. 1987-02-02
height intUnit: cm, e.g. 192
country stringe.g. Spain
feet stringLeft or Right
weight intUnit: kg, e.g. 77
photo stringPlayer photo url.

The picture is saved locally for use, please do not call it directly.
value longUnit: ten thousand pounds, e.g. 3150
teamId string
position stringe.g. Centre Back
number int
introduce string
contractEndDate stringWhen the contract ends, e.g. 2022-06-30

Example Request

Example Response

    • This API endpoint returns player information.\n\n • At least one of the "teamId" "day"and "playerId" parameters must be filled in, and the three parameters can not be used at the same time.\n\n • It is recommended to save all player data locally for the first time, and then update it regularly.\n\n • The same player may be associated with 2 teams at the same time, including the national team and the club team. The uniqueness can be judged by "id".

    Player ProfileiSportsAPI
