6 results about subscribe
Can I get a refund after successful payment?
There will be no refund once the payment is made. If you want to stop renewal, please unsubscribe the plan.
Can I resubscribe my plan?
Log on to your account and find the plans you have purchased. Click the resubscribe button and confirm it.
How can I unsubscribe my plan?
Log on to your account and find the plans you have purchased. Click the unsubscribe button and confirm it.
Can I renew in advance?
1.Log on to your account and find the plans you have purchased. Click the unsubscribe button and confirm it.(This does not affect the plan you are using.) 2.Click the resubscribe button and confirm i
How do I receive an API key?
Sign up and start free trial or subscribe plans, then your personal api key will be activated in the user center.
How do I use your API? What's the request path?
Before using our api, please follow the steps below: 1. Create an account. 2. Start free trial or subscribe any plans to get access to the corresponding api endpoints. 3. Log in to get your personal
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